SYLVANA APITULEY Indonesia, 1991 Sylvana was almost the first underprivileged child who we sponsored as a registered charity and she turned out to be a model student. She originally wrote to us asking if we could help her study Theology & Church History. She went on to achieve a scholarship in Holland. Sylvana obtained a BA and then returned to Jakarta to teach in the College. With her education and a job in place she was able to help her brother find employment in an hotel and launched her two sisters into college courses. In 2005 she travelled to many different countries in Asia and Africa to speak at international conferences about Human Rights.

ROBERT KIGADI Kenya, 1991 We began his sponsorship at the Kwanza Secondary School and at the age of sixteen he became Head Boy. He then trained as a pharmacologist and worked for some years in a dispensary. This job also helped him raise money to sponsor his younger siblings and other orphans. Robert’s outstanding professionalism and effort to help young people in his community earned him a job as one of our representatives. Robert is a perfect example of how we sponsored someone who then went onto continue our charity’s work.

RAYMOND LAU Hong Kong, 1984 Raymond’s brother Stephen was driving a taxi around the clock in the walled city in Kowloon (Hong Kong) to finance Raymond through college in the UK. The money ran out so we stepped in. He obtained a degree in Civil Engineering and went on to be a successful businessman. The Lau family and Anton became great friends and whenever Anton visited Hong Kong or Australia he would stay with Stephen and his family and vice versa. Raymond is now married and living Kent, UK and regularly donates back to The Sponsorship Fund.